A Look at Field Tickets
Say goodbye to manual paperwork and hello to efficiency with NYLUS's electronic field ticket system. Manage your tickets effortlessly through NYLUS's cloud-based platform or mobile app, with offline capabilities that keep your data up-to-date even in remote locations.
Manage your field tickets effortlessly with offline capabilities and seamless integration.
Offline Data Connectivity
Automated Safety Integration
Streamlined Revenue Management

Additional Benefits

Convert tickets into invoices with one click, sending them directly from the app or syncing with existing accounting systems.

Access all submitted and pending tickets from a single Work Order Dashboard, making invoicing quick and efficient.

Eliminate the need for field crews to re-enter job details, as job data auto-populates into work tickets.

Manage work tickets not only by job but also link them to customers, fleet units, or individual team members for enhanced flexibility.